Friday, April 26, 2013
No excuses! - Friday Motivation/Inspiration
That pretty much says it all. Just do the work. If you don't do the work, then don't make excuses, just own it. Look yourself in the mirror and admit that you didn't do the work. You don't have to answer to anyone but yourself because the desire to lose weight and get in shape must be all about you. You can not do it for anyone else or it just won't happen.
Yes, I want to get into that sexy red dress, which I know my husband will enjoy, but I want to be able to look in the mirror and see myself in that sexy red dress. I want to walk into a room and know that I look good. Whether I turn heads or not, it's about how I will feel knowing that I did the work and I earned that dress for myself. So that I could celebrate not only my 10th anniversary, but hopefully many more because I made sure that I got myself healthy.
I'm going to be 43 in a couple months. I don't feel 43 and thankfully, I have been pretty healthy. But I want many more years because there is still so much I want to do. And yes, I know that life is not a guarantee, but I'm going to give myself the best shot at living a long and healthy life.
So no excuses! If I don't do the work, I don't get the dress. If I don't do the work, that is my fault. Sure, life will throw us curveballs and sometimes, we just can't find the desire to move more or to eat the right things, but when that happens, own it. Admit it. And then make the next step a step in the right direction. Don't keep yourself down. Pull yourself up and get moving!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Administrative Professional's Day! Time for a treat?
As you know, normally I weigh-in on Thursdays, but since today is Administrative Professional's Day (aka Secretary's Day, or in our office it's Staff Appreciation Day), and the firm likes to reward us with a big lunch, I thought I'd weigh-in today before I eat.
Now I know that the "right" choice would be to only have salad or to not eat all the yummy and fattening stuff that they are bringing in, but c'mon...we're ordering from Maggiano's (click the link at your own risk). That's Italian, my friends. ITALIAN! Only the best food in all the world. Who doesn't love Italian? I am not passing up Italian food. My inlaws might disown me if I did.
Oh, and did I mention the tiramisu? Heaven on a plate right there. All that creamy goodness.
So I am going to enjoy my lunch without feeling quilty about it. Because I believe that I can still lose weight and get fit and healthy while still enjoying the foods that I love.
First...moderation! I will have a little of everything that I love so that I can satisfy my taste buds. I don't need giant plates of pasta and meatballs, but all I need is a taste. I remember one of my prior Weight Watchers leaders saying that you already know what your favorite things taste like, so why do you need to eat them? Well, that's exactly why. Because I know what they taste like and I know I really like them, but if I have a taste and not a giant plateful, that it perfectly within reason. Denying myself the things I love is not going to help me lose weight. So MODERATION is my word of the day...and pretty much my life.
Second...workout! Just because I'm going to treat myself at lunch today doesn't mean that I forget about the rest of the day. That doesn't mean that I can just do whatever and eat whatever I want today. No! I will still do my workout, getting in my walking and doing both cardio and weights/strength after work. I am aiming for at least 6 points earned on my Activelink, maybe even 7. I can do that. In addition to that, the other meals I eat today will be healthy, low point options.
We all deserve a treat. Denying ourselves the things we love does not help us. It makes us miserable. It makes us crave those things. And if we try to ignore it, we are much more likely to overindulge when we do finally allow ourselves to enjoy those things. So treat yourself. Allow yourself to enjoy your favorite things, but do so in moderation and just make sure that you still continue your workouts and healthy eating habits throughout the rest of your day.
Now I know that the "right" choice would be to only have salad or to not eat all the yummy and fattening stuff that they are bringing in, but c'mon...we're ordering from Maggiano's (click the link at your own risk). That's Italian, my friends. ITALIAN! Only the best food in all the world. Who doesn't love Italian? I am not passing up Italian food. My inlaws might disown me if I did.
Oh, and did I mention the tiramisu? Heaven on a plate right there. All that creamy goodness.
So I am going to enjoy my lunch without feeling quilty about it. Because I believe that I can still lose weight and get fit and healthy while still enjoying the foods that I love.
First...moderation! I will have a little of everything that I love so that I can satisfy my taste buds. I don't need giant plates of pasta and meatballs, but all I need is a taste. I remember one of my prior Weight Watchers leaders saying that you already know what your favorite things taste like, so why do you need to eat them? Well, that's exactly why. Because I know what they taste like and I know I really like them, but if I have a taste and not a giant plateful, that it perfectly within reason. Denying myself the things I love is not going to help me lose weight. So MODERATION is my word of the day...and pretty much my life.
Second...workout! Just because I'm going to treat myself at lunch today doesn't mean that I forget about the rest of the day. That doesn't mean that I can just do whatever and eat whatever I want today. No! I will still do my workout, getting in my walking and doing both cardio and weights/strength after work. I am aiming for at least 6 points earned on my Activelink, maybe even 7. I can do that. In addition to that, the other meals I eat today will be healthy, low point options.
We all deserve a treat. Denying ourselves the things we love does not help us. It makes us miserable. It makes us crave those things. And if we try to ignore it, we are much more likely to overindulge when we do finally allow ourselves to enjoy those things. So treat yourself. Allow yourself to enjoy your favorite things, but do so in moderation and just make sure that you still continue your workouts and healthy eating habits throughout the rest of your day.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Thank you!
I just want to thank you all for reading. My "Stronger" post wasn't my best work, but I promise I'll get better. My brain is just a little mush this morning. I'm relaxed and relieved and I want to enjoy that and just not think too much. LOL But I can assure you that my thoughts will get back on track and sound better. I have a lot of thoughts floating around in my head, but for this weekend, I'm locking them away and I'm just going to enjoy not thinking too much.
Stronger - Friday's Inspiration - a Day Late
I know that today is actually Saturday, but I think you'll all forgive me for being a day late with my Friday Inspiration. I just couldn't wrap my head around things yesterday. Boston and the surrounding towns were in lockdown as the local and state police, FBI, SWAT and everyone else hunted for "suspect #2". It was a very tense day and there was great concern for those we knew in Watertown.
If there is one thing we have learned over the past week is that we are all stronger than we ever knew. And that is the focus of this post.
When life throws things at us, we can cower in fear or we can find our strength. This week, all of Boston, Watertown, pretty much all of Massachusetts, we found our strength and we grew stronger.
At first I thought I was going to dispute the "it never gets easier" portion of this picture, but then I thought about it. Maybe it really doesn't get easier, maybe we just adjust. With each step and each day, we are more focused on getting stronger and we adjust to the hard part. We don't forget, but we make getting stronger a higher priority. Nothing in life is easy. And sometimes, life throws curveballs at us, so we change and adjust and we find what keeps us going. So while it may seem like it's getting easier, maybe we forget about how hard it is because we're finding ways to deal with it.
And that applies to our health and fitness goals too. We can all agree that losing weight isn't easy. Does it ever get easier? I don't think so. If it was easy, we'd all be thin. We have to work at it each and every day. And as we do, we are getting stronger. We make adjustments in what we eat and in our workouts and we lose weight. One day at a time, one step at a time.
But who doesn't have those days when they really want that piece of cake or that ice cream sundae or we just don't feel like working out? Is it easy to walk away from the goodies or to start the workout? Nope. But with each day you're a little stronger and you find the will to walk away or to just start walking.
And of course, there will be those days when you give in and you eat that piece of cake or you don't do your workout, but you can't beat yourself up over it. Because we are going to have to eat for the rest of our lives and sometimes, you just need a piece of cake.
We are all STRONGER! (And I'm pretty sure none of us are EASY!
If there is one thing we have learned over the past week is that we are all stronger than we ever knew. And that is the focus of this post.
(thank you Nancy for sharing this and providing the inspiration for this week)
When life throws things at us, we can cower in fear or we can find our strength. This week, all of Boston, Watertown, pretty much all of Massachusetts, we found our strength and we grew stronger.
At first I thought I was going to dispute the "it never gets easier" portion of this picture, but then I thought about it. Maybe it really doesn't get easier, maybe we just adjust. With each step and each day, we are more focused on getting stronger and we adjust to the hard part. We don't forget, but we make getting stronger a higher priority. Nothing in life is easy. And sometimes, life throws curveballs at us, so we change and adjust and we find what keeps us going. So while it may seem like it's getting easier, maybe we forget about how hard it is because we're finding ways to deal with it.
And that applies to our health and fitness goals too. We can all agree that losing weight isn't easy. Does it ever get easier? I don't think so. If it was easy, we'd all be thin. We have to work at it each and every day. And as we do, we are getting stronger. We make adjustments in what we eat and in our workouts and we lose weight. One day at a time, one step at a time.
But who doesn't have those days when they really want that piece of cake or that ice cream sundae or we just don't feel like working out? Is it easy to walk away from the goodies or to start the workout? Nope. But with each day you're a little stronger and you find the will to walk away or to just start walking.
And of course, there will be those days when you give in and you eat that piece of cake or you don't do your workout, but you can't beat yourself up over it. Because we are going to have to eat for the rest of our lives and sometimes, you just need a piece of cake.
We are all STRONGER! (And I'm pretty sure none of us are EASY!
Thursday, April 18, 2013
If you're looking for scientific information about how stress effects weight loss/gain, you've come to the wrong place. I am not an expert or a doctor, but I sure that stress has an effect on my weight loss efforts. I think we can all agree that stress affects the body and so it would make sense that it would impact weight loss as well.
Some people are stress eaters. Some will consume alcohol at times of stress. Both of those will obviously impact weight. I am not one of those people. I actually tend to stop eating, which some might think would equal weight loss, but it doesn't. When you stop eating, your body actually goes into survival mode and it basically holds onto whatever stored resources it has so you don't lose weight. This is actually why starvation diets don't work. Ok, that is actually scientific.
I'm sure that we can all agree that this has been a stressful week. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, what hole have you been living in? I don't really want to know. Just go back and read my post from yesterday.) I've been tense. My stomach has been in knots for days. I didn't really eat on Monday night, but I have forced myself to get back into a more normal eating routine since. With all that has been going on, I really expected a small gain this week. I was hopeful that maybe my weight stayed the same. But I was pleasantly surprised when she told me at Weight Watchers that I was down 0.4. I did continue to work out this week, going for long walks mostly, and with pushing myself to eat normally, that must have worked. I am hopeful that I will see an even bigger loss next week.
I want to thank everyone who has followed along on my blog this week. And of course, all those who reached out to me to offer some support or to let me know they were feeling the same way. I wish none of us had to go through this, but I hope that my words offered you some comfort. I just know that I needed an outlet for my thoughts. I don't always find it easy to talk about these things, but I can usually write/type and that helps.
As I continue to go through each day, I think of the victims, those who lost their lives and those who lost their legs. As I go for my walks, I will think of those who can't walk, those who will need to learn to walk again. I will be grateful for all that I have and I will try not to take it for granted. And when I'm walking and I just don't want to do it anymore, I will remember them and I will push myself further and harder because I have that option while others don't.
Some people are stress eaters. Some will consume alcohol at times of stress. Both of those will obviously impact weight. I am not one of those people. I actually tend to stop eating, which some might think would equal weight loss, but it doesn't. When you stop eating, your body actually goes into survival mode and it basically holds onto whatever stored resources it has so you don't lose weight. This is actually why starvation diets don't work. Ok, that is actually scientific.
I'm sure that we can all agree that this has been a stressful week. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about, what hole have you been living in? I don't really want to know. Just go back and read my post from yesterday.) I've been tense. My stomach has been in knots for days. I didn't really eat on Monday night, but I have forced myself to get back into a more normal eating routine since. With all that has been going on, I really expected a small gain this week. I was hopeful that maybe my weight stayed the same. But I was pleasantly surprised when she told me at Weight Watchers that I was down 0.4. I did continue to work out this week, going for long walks mostly, and with pushing myself to eat normally, that must have worked. I am hopeful that I will see an even bigger loss next week.
I want to thank everyone who has followed along on my blog this week. And of course, all those who reached out to me to offer some support or to let me know they were feeling the same way. I wish none of us had to go through this, but I hope that my words offered you some comfort. I just know that I needed an outlet for my thoughts. I don't always find it easy to talk about these things, but I can usually write/type and that helps.
As I continue to go through each day, I think of the victims, those who lost their lives and those who lost their legs. As I go for my walks, I will think of those who can't walk, those who will need to learn to walk again. I will be grateful for all that I have and I will try not to take it for granted. And when I'm walking and I just don't want to do it anymore, I will remember them and I will push myself further and harder because I have that option while others don't.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
(Tuesday: April 16, 2013)
Yesterday, April 15, 2013, was Patriot's Day in Massachusetts. It is also known as Marathon Monday. The Boston Marathon has been run on Patriot's Day in the City of Boston for well over a hundred years. It is a historic day. It is a day about triumph and perseverance. It is a day when the city celebrates in a way that no other city can. It is Boston's holiday. But this year, it was marked by tragedy when two bombs exploded near the finish line, resulting in the deaths of 3 innocent spectators and injuries to over 150 other people.
This was the act of a coward! As of now, the police do not have anyone in custody so we do not know if it was one person or a group, but no matter, whoever did this was a coward! Those who run the marathon are just everyday people from around the world. The Boston Marathon is one of the most prestigous races in the world and it draws thousands of people into the city. There are runners from all walks of life. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of people who run for various charities. I know of several people who run to raise money to help others. And for some coward to set off bombs to kill and injure those who are on the sidelines, cheering them on, showing their support, pushing them that last and final leg to finish the race of a lifetime, I just don't know what to say. It is times like this when I wish our justice system believed in an "eye for an eye".
I have been awash with emotion since these events unfolded yesterday. I was actually at the track walking when I received a text from my husband simply stating that 2 bombs had gone off at the finish line. When I read it, I don't think it really registered as to what it meant. But then I got a text from a friend from out of state asking if I was ok. And then just as another couple arrived at the track, the guy received a phone call, apparently from his son, who was telling him about the explosions.
I finished my laps and started to walk home. I realized that I should probably call my Mom because even though I didn't really know anything, she would probably be worried if she didn't realize that my office was closed for the holiday so I wasn't in the city. We talked all the way home and I immediately turned on the TV. Shortly after, my sister tried to call my cell, and then she called the house. My brother-in-law had heard the news and they were watching it in his office, so he called her to have her check in with me. Then my mother-in-law called because she had gotten a call from my husband's brother. Their fears started to hit me, along with the news coverage and the emotions just came rolling in over me and I cried. I was safe, my family was safe and as far as I knew, all of my friends were safe. But some coward had attacked my city and changed so many lives and we don't know why.
And when I learned that one of those killed was only 8 years old, my heart broke. As I heard stories of those who were injured, it broke even more. But as with everything, there are stories of heroism too. All those people who ran toward the blast sites as they tried to help the injured. Everyone from fire, police and other rescure personnel to race volunteers, news crews and so many others.
(Wednesday, April 17, 2013)
I was going to come back and edit the above post before publishing it since I felt it was a really rough draft less than a day after the attack on the marathon. But I've decided to leave it as is because I hope it shows the range of emotions, confusion and shock I felt over this senseless act.
Another day has now gone by and while I still can't understand why someone would do this, I am at least making some sense of my feelings. I am angry, as I know many others are also. I am still sad and heartbroken about what this has done to so many people and to this city, but I am finding amazing strength all around me.
This country was built on strength and perseverence and the Boston Marathon and Patriot's Day embody those characteristics. Anyone who can run 26.2 miles and then continue to run to the nearest hospital to donate blood for the injured...they are strong. The first responders, race officials and volunteers, the media and all the other spectators who ripped down barriers to get to the injured...they persevered. The doctors, nurses and all the medical personnel who worked tirelessly to do everything they could for those injured...amazing, although they'd probably tell you it is just their job. So many who were willing to help when they had no idea if they too could be in danger...that is Boston. Those are the qualities that built this city, this country and it all started here in Boston, in Massachusetts, in New England. It is why we celebrate Patriot's Day. We do not give up the fight.
You can attack us but you will not defeat us. You are a coward! You killed a defenseless 8 year old and seriously injured his sister and mother. But you did not break the Richard family becuase while they may be battered and bruised now, the rest of this city, this nation, is rallying around them in support. They will find strength and love all around them and they will persevere! The coward who did this will not and did not win.
Martin Richard, Krystle Campbell and the 3rd victim will not be forgotten. The Boston Marathon will go on and they will be in our hearts and minds every time a runner crosses the finish line, signifying another win for Boston!
We are Boston! We are strong! You can not break us.
Yesterday, April 15, 2013, was Patriot's Day in Massachusetts. It is also known as Marathon Monday. The Boston Marathon has been run on Patriot's Day in the City of Boston for well over a hundred years. It is a historic day. It is a day about triumph and perseverance. It is a day when the city celebrates in a way that no other city can. It is Boston's holiday. But this year, it was marked by tragedy when two bombs exploded near the finish line, resulting in the deaths of 3 innocent spectators and injuries to over 150 other people.
This was the act of a coward! As of now, the police do not have anyone in custody so we do not know if it was one person or a group, but no matter, whoever did this was a coward! Those who run the marathon are just everyday people from around the world. The Boston Marathon is one of the most prestigous races in the world and it draws thousands of people into the city. There are runners from all walks of life. There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of people who run for various charities. I know of several people who run to raise money to help others. And for some coward to set off bombs to kill and injure those who are on the sidelines, cheering them on, showing their support, pushing them that last and final leg to finish the race of a lifetime, I just don't know what to say. It is times like this when I wish our justice system believed in an "eye for an eye".
I have been awash with emotion since these events unfolded yesterday. I was actually at the track walking when I received a text from my husband simply stating that 2 bombs had gone off at the finish line. When I read it, I don't think it really registered as to what it meant. But then I got a text from a friend from out of state asking if I was ok. And then just as another couple arrived at the track, the guy received a phone call, apparently from his son, who was telling him about the explosions.
I finished my laps and started to walk home. I realized that I should probably call my Mom because even though I didn't really know anything, she would probably be worried if she didn't realize that my office was closed for the holiday so I wasn't in the city. We talked all the way home and I immediately turned on the TV. Shortly after, my sister tried to call my cell, and then she called the house. My brother-in-law had heard the news and they were watching it in his office, so he called her to have her check in with me. Then my mother-in-law called because she had gotten a call from my husband's brother. Their fears started to hit me, along with the news coverage and the emotions just came rolling in over me and I cried. I was safe, my family was safe and as far as I knew, all of my friends were safe. But some coward had attacked my city and changed so many lives and we don't know why.
And when I learned that one of those killed was only 8 years old, my heart broke. As I heard stories of those who were injured, it broke even more. But as with everything, there are stories of heroism too. All those people who ran toward the blast sites as they tried to help the injured. Everyone from fire, police and other rescure personnel to race volunteers, news crews and so many others.
(Wednesday, April 17, 2013)
I was going to come back and edit the above post before publishing it since I felt it was a really rough draft less than a day after the attack on the marathon. But I've decided to leave it as is because I hope it shows the range of emotions, confusion and shock I felt over this senseless act.
Another day has now gone by and while I still can't understand why someone would do this, I am at least making some sense of my feelings. I am angry, as I know many others are also. I am still sad and heartbroken about what this has done to so many people and to this city, but I am finding amazing strength all around me.
This country was built on strength and perseverence and the Boston Marathon and Patriot's Day embody those characteristics. Anyone who can run 26.2 miles and then continue to run to the nearest hospital to donate blood for the injured...they are strong. The first responders, race officials and volunteers, the media and all the other spectators who ripped down barriers to get to the injured...they persevered. The doctors, nurses and all the medical personnel who worked tirelessly to do everything they could for those injured...amazing, although they'd probably tell you it is just their job. So many who were willing to help when they had no idea if they too could be in danger...that is Boston. Those are the qualities that built this city, this country and it all started here in Boston, in Massachusetts, in New England. It is why we celebrate Patriot's Day. We do not give up the fight.
You can attack us but you will not defeat us. You are a coward! You killed a defenseless 8 year old and seriously injured his sister and mother. But you did not break the Richard family becuase while they may be battered and bruised now, the rest of this city, this nation, is rallying around them in support. They will find strength and love all around them and they will persevere! The coward who did this will not and did not win.
Martin Richard, Krystle Campbell and the 3rd victim will not be forgotten. The Boston Marathon will go on and they will be in our hearts and minds every time a runner crosses the finish line, signifying another win for Boston!
We are Boston! We are strong! You can not break us.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Numbers are Evil - Friday Inspiration/Motivation
Have you ever realized how our lives revolve around numbers? And often, those numbers can be evil.
There's age. Although, I'm not so afraid of that one. I am sometimes amazed that I am 42 because I'm just not sure where the years went and I don't feel 42. Although really, what is 42 supposed to feel like anyway? (And hey, that's a new movie that I can't wait to see, about Jackie Robinson - sorry, another baseball reference.)
And with our bodies, there's weight and clothing sizes. We all hate looking at the scale and when we have to buy clothes, how many of us hate the number on the tag?
Why do we let numbers define us?
Am I really a 42 year old, 211 lb, 14-16? No! I'm a person! I'm a wife, a daughter, a sister, and hopefully, a friend to many. I love Disney, sports, summer, my birthday (even though it's associated with a number, I just really love my birthday), traveling, Paris! Oh so many things! I am more than just the numbers that surround me.
Now that doesn't mean that I won't continue to battle my weight and hope for a lower number on the scale, but I'm also going to make sure I focus on how I feel. How my clothes fit and not the size on the tag. How much strength and energy I have.
And that is my Friday Inspiration/Motivation tip this week. Find the positives in your life, and if you're trying to lose weight and get healthy, focus on how you feel and not on the numbers associated with it. Because we are all so much more than the numbers!
Look at yourself as a Perfect 10! Make yourself #1. See...those numbers are so far apart, but when you look at them like that, they sound pretty darn good, right?
There's age. Although, I'm not so afraid of that one. I am sometimes amazed that I am 42 because I'm just not sure where the years went and I don't feel 42. Although really, what is 42 supposed to feel like anyway? (And hey, that's a new movie that I can't wait to see, about Jackie Robinson - sorry, another baseball reference.)
And with our bodies, there's weight and clothing sizes. We all hate looking at the scale and when we have to buy clothes, how many of us hate the number on the tag?
Why do we let numbers define us?
Am I really a 42 year old, 211 lb, 14-16? No! I'm a person! I'm a wife, a daughter, a sister, and hopefully, a friend to many. I love Disney, sports, summer, my birthday (even though it's associated with a number, I just really love my birthday), traveling, Paris! Oh so many things! I am more than just the numbers that surround me.
Now that doesn't mean that I won't continue to battle my weight and hope for a lower number on the scale, but I'm also going to make sure I focus on how I feel. How my clothes fit and not the size on the tag. How much strength and energy I have.
And that is my Friday Inspiration/Motivation tip this week. Find the positives in your life, and if you're trying to lose weight and get healthy, focus on how you feel and not on the numbers associated with it. Because we are all so much more than the numbers!
Look at yourself as a Perfect 10! Make yourself #1. See...those numbers are so far apart, but when you look at them like that, they sound pretty darn good, right?
Thursday, April 11, 2013
5 Pounds in 5 Weeks
It's Thursday. Weight Watchers day. And for the 5th straight week, I have lost weight! C'mon, let's dance! This is a time to celebrate. I can't tell you the last time I had 5 straight weeks of weight loss. I seriously want to dance, but I'm at the office and I think that might look a little weird. But I'll be dancing when I get home tonight! I'm sure my husband would love to see my little weight loss dance.
For those of you who don't want to do the math, I'll do it for you. This week was a weight loss of 0.6.
I've decided to set a goal for next week's loss. I want to lose more than a pound next week. Why, you ask? Well, because that will put me below 210. Right now I'm at 211 exactly, so a loss of 1.2 or more and I'll be below 210 and that much closer to the Mendoza line. (Ok, how many people know what the Mendoza line is? It's a baseball reference. And anyone who really knows me or knew me "back in the day", knows about me and baseball.)
As you know, at the beginning of the year, I set a goal for weight loss. (I refuse to make resolutions. I set goals.) I said I wanted to lose 15 lbs, but I adjusted that to 17 as I was at 217 for my first WW weigh-in of 2013. And you know that I've lost 5lbs in the past 5 weeks (it says so right there in the title), but my total for the year is 6lbs. Yep, between Jan 3 and Feb. 28, I lost a total of 1 lb. I can't remember what flipped the switch once March arrived, but I'm glad it flipped and I plan to stay focused and just keep moving forward / downward!
For those of you who don't want to do the math, I'll do it for you. This week was a weight loss of 0.6.
I've decided to set a goal for next week's loss. I want to lose more than a pound next week. Why, you ask? Well, because that will put me below 210. Right now I'm at 211 exactly, so a loss of 1.2 or more and I'll be below 210 and that much closer to the Mendoza line. (Ok, how many people know what the Mendoza line is? It's a baseball reference. And anyone who really knows me or knew me "back in the day", knows about me and baseball.)
As you know, at the beginning of the year, I set a goal for weight loss. (I refuse to make resolutions. I set goals.) I said I wanted to lose 15 lbs, but I adjusted that to 17 as I was at 217 for my first WW weigh-in of 2013. And you know that I've lost 5lbs in the past 5 weeks (it says so right there in the title), but my total for the year is 6lbs. Yep, between Jan 3 and Feb. 28, I lost a total of 1 lb. I can't remember what flipped the switch once March arrived, but I'm glad it flipped and I plan to stay focused and just keep moving forward / downward!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The "Before" Photos
So, since I've already posted my weight here on the blog, I figured why not just put it all out there and so, we now have, my before photos. Aren't they great? LOL This is what 211-212lbs looks like on me. Stay tuned for more photos as I fight to get this weight off. I'm not sure how often I'll be posting pictures, but I'll try to make sure I'm wearing the same outfit so that eventually I can make a cute little collage.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Friday Inspiration
I hope to have other posts along the way as well, but I know me, and I won't be able to post every day, and really, who wants to read about what I eat every day or what exercise I did that day? That will get old fast, especially since Monday - Thursday, I eat pretty much the exact same breakfast and lunch.
For anyone wondering, breakfast is Bob's Red Mill 5 Grain Hot Cereal (3 pts) and a hard boiled egg (2) points, and lunch is a salad of mixed greens, blueberries, strawberries, gorgonzola and Sweet Apple Vinaigrette which my sister gets for me out at Eckert's in Belleville, IL. The salad is 5 points, 3 for the gorgonzola and 2 for the dressing. I also try to make sure I snack on fruit or celery during the day as it is 0 points.
Now I won't lie and say that I never eat junk food or not so healthy foods. That's just not realistic for me right now. Maybe it will be some day, but it's not right now. Today for instance. It's Friday, which means our office has breakfast brought in from Panera - bagels, fruit and pastries. I love bagels, so Friday is my bagel day. I have my bagel with honey walnut spread and a bowl of fruit. I also still have my hard boiled egg for the protein because the bagel and fruit is like a carb overload and I'm certainly not running a marathon today. I still have to make sure I track it and the whole thing is a lot higher than the 5 point breakfast I normally have, but it's what I want and if I try to force myself not to eat it, I know that I'll end up failing in the long run. It's who I am and I have to do what is right for me. I used to eat a bagel every day for breakfast. Now it's really just for Friday and it's something I can look forward to.
So even though I posted my inspiration above, I'm going to post a little tip too. And that is that you have to do what works for you. We're all different and not everything is going to work for everyone. I quit drinking soda a few years back and that was easy for me. (I don't drink diet soda either.) But quitting my bagels cold turkey...can't do it.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
What is Operation: Sexy Red Dress
Welcome to my new blog! This one is all about getting into a Sexy Red Dress for our 10th anniversary, which occurs on June 5, 2014. We will be on the Disney Wonder Cruise to Alaska for that anniversary and I have decided that I want to look amazing and wear a sexy red dress.
So how will I get there? And what exactly does this goal entail? Well, it will require hard work, dedication, motivation, commitment. It will mean that I need to actually focus on what I've learned at Weight Watchers.
I joined WW several years ago. I think it was 4 years. When I joined, I didn't really set many goals, but I did pretty well on it. I lost almost 30 lbs and at my lowest, I was just under 190lbs. (Yes, that's right, I'm posting my weight.) Well, things happened and I slowly but surely put most of the weight back on and on Jan 3 of this year, I weighed in at 217.4. Less than 2 lbs from where I had started. That was not acceptable.
So I set a goal that I would be below 200 again by the end of the year. I'd love to say that I hit the ground running, but I didn't. It was a slow crawl. And until 4 weeks ago, I'd only lost 1 lb. But then I went to the doctor and we chatted about my weight, as we usually do. But this time, I didn't leave feeling bad. I was inspired. My doctor had asked what my lowest was and I told her 189 on my 40th birthday. (It was actually 189 point something, but I like to claim 189.) She was amazed and I realized that I really wanted to be back there again. And of course, I want to be even lower than that but first I need to get below the 200 that I set for the new year and then we'll get back to the 189 and then I'll just keep fighting until I get to my ideal weight, which I'm not going to reveal just yet.
But right now, the first goal is under 200 by Dec. 31. Then, I want to be at 185 by May 1, 2014 so I can go shopping for the Sexy Red Dress!! Wish me luck!
So how will I get there? And what exactly does this goal entail? Well, it will require hard work, dedication, motivation, commitment. It will mean that I need to actually focus on what I've learned at Weight Watchers.
I joined WW several years ago. I think it was 4 years. When I joined, I didn't really set many goals, but I did pretty well on it. I lost almost 30 lbs and at my lowest, I was just under 190lbs. (Yes, that's right, I'm posting my weight.) Well, things happened and I slowly but surely put most of the weight back on and on Jan 3 of this year, I weighed in at 217.4. Less than 2 lbs from where I had started. That was not acceptable.
So I set a goal that I would be below 200 again by the end of the year. I'd love to say that I hit the ground running, but I didn't. It was a slow crawl. And until 4 weeks ago, I'd only lost 1 lb. But then I went to the doctor and we chatted about my weight, as we usually do. But this time, I didn't leave feeling bad. I was inspired. My doctor had asked what my lowest was and I told her 189 on my 40th birthday. (It was actually 189 point something, but I like to claim 189.) She was amazed and I realized that I really wanted to be back there again. And of course, I want to be even lower than that but first I need to get below the 200 that I set for the new year and then we'll get back to the 189 and then I'll just keep fighting until I get to my ideal weight, which I'm not going to reveal just yet.
But right now, the first goal is under 200 by Dec. 31. Then, I want to be at 185 by May 1, 2014 so I can go shopping for the Sexy Red Dress!! Wish me luck!
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