Thursday, August 29, 2013

How do I feel?

We put so much emphasis on numbers that sometimes we forget that their are other indicators of success.  Of course losing weight is my ultimate goal, but I know that I'm getting fit and I'm getting stronger.  I can feel it.  And I need to make sure I always remember that and don't always just focus on the number.

I've been taking kickboxing for about 2 months now, usually going about once a week.  Over that time, the numbes on the scale have been on a roller coaster ride.  I can loot at certain weeks where I know that I didn't do all the work I needed to do, but this week was a little different.

Could I have done better with what I chose to eat and how much I worked out? Sure!  But I also know that since my last weigh-in, I took 2 kickboxing classes, walked every day during lunch and I really noticed a change in the way my clothes fit yesterday.  The shirt that I wore is clingy and when I first bought it this past spring, it was very fitted and really clung to every curve on my body (and there are lots of those).  When I wore it about two weeks ago, it was less clingy than when I bought it.  And when I wore it was significantly looser than even just two weeks ago.  I felt space between my curves (I don't think those are going anywhere - just getting smaller) and the fabric of the shirt.  That is success!

So my body is changing and even though the scale said I'm up 1.2 lbs this week, I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that I stay focused on the positives and not just on the numbers.  I am going to think more about how I feel (and right now, I can tell you that I feel pretty sore from that kickboxing class I took 2 days ago) and how my clothes fit and less on the number on the scale. 

I am getting fit and gaining muscle and I can't wait to see how I look when it comes time to go shopping for my Sexy Red Dress!

I can do this!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Kicking it to the curb!

Kickboxing is really fun and I'm getting better at it.  I originally signed up for 5 classes.  It was an online special and included a free pair of boxing gloves.  Yes, that's right people, I now have my own boxing gloves.  Don't mess with me!

The special was 5 classes for $29.99.  Once I finished the first 5, I signed up for 35 more.  I'm definitely getting stronger! 

Last night, as I was punching and kicking the bag, I was daydreaming about where I'd be next year next year on my birthday.  We have plans already, and I'm really hoping that I'll be looking FABULOUS!  Of course, that means I have to keep doing the work. 

I am happy to report that at my Weight Watchers weigh-in yesterday, I was down 2.4lbs, which sounds fantastic, but what you don't know is that I was up 2lbs the week before.  I am very happy that I lost the 2lbs plus a little more, and I'm really hoping that I continue to put up some good numbers over the next few weeks.  I think 30+ kickboxing classes should help with that, plus all the walking I'm doing. 

I can do this! 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Setbacks and Comebacks

It's been a rough couple of weeks in the weight loss department, mainly because I'm not really losing any weight.  I've gained some.

I've gotten a little lazy with the workouts, but I'm slowly but surely making my way back.  I've been hitting the track and walking several times a week, plus my walks during lunch.  And I'm still going to kickboxing.  Last week's class was so good that I am still a little sore today.  How is that good?  Because I know I'm really working the muscles.  It's a good sore. 

The back pain definitely slowed me down, but I can't use that as an excuse.  I have to deal with it.  And I actually found that it felt better after kickboxing.  So this is good!!

I'm not going to post my current weight right now because I think there were some other factors contributing to the gain last week and I want to see what happens when I weigh-in this week.  So stay tuned!

Friday, August 9, 2013

No, I didn't forget my blog!

It's been 2 weeks since my last post, so I thought I should probably come in and say something. 

So what has been happening since my last post?  Well, I had a birthday, so I'm another year older.  43...still feels like 23.  Maybe that's because I still act like I'm 23. 

So what did I do for my birthday?  I celebrated.  We took a mini-vacation and went to the Jersey Shore.  I had Italian food.  And cake.  And frozen custard, zeppoles, cheese fries and fried clams on the boardwalk.  (Not all at once.)  I didn't exactly work out, and I gained almost 3 lbs.  Oh goes on and I'll just have to work it off.  My birthday only comes once a year and I was going to enjoy it.

After we got home, my back started to bother me.  A rather sharp pain right across the top of my back.  Not my neck or shoulders, but my back.  It was very uncomfortable and at times, I wanted to cry.  So I called the doctor and went in to see her.  She checked me out and said that there was nothing wrong with the bones and it was probably just muscular, so she prescribed a muscle relaxer for me to take at night and also suggested to put heat on it and to take 2 Aleve twice a day.  It is much better now, thankfully.  But, because it was so painful last week, I didn't take my kickboxing class. 

I did return to kickboxing last night and my back actually felt better after the class than it has felt all week, so I'm happy with that.  I also went to WW yesterday and I lost a tiny smidge of what I'd gained while on vacation.  I'm happy to be going in the right direction again and I plan to work hard to make it back where I was and to make sure that I reach the goals I've set.

It's easy to just let it go, but I need to refocus and get back on track.  I don't want to undo all the hard work I've done this year.  I am going to get into that sexy red dress!