Tuesday, September 10, 2013

See something, Say Something!

I know, you're probably thinking that's an odd title, but let me explain.

Last night, I got on the train on my way home and my friend got on shortly after me.  She said, "I was walking behind you and I could tell you lost more weight." 

Now, I did tell her that I've been bouncing around the same 5 lbs recently, but that the kickboxing is really helping me tone and I can tell in the way my clothes fit.  She said she could definitely tell too.

But just the fact that she noticed and took the time to say something was thrilling!  It just gives that little extra boost of confidence that something is working and that even though the number on the scale isn't consistently going down, things really are changing and people are noticing.  It's an incentive to keep doing what I'm doing!

So if you notice a friend or family member looks like they're losing weight or getting fit, say something!  It could be that little extra push that they need to keep going.  It could be the one bright spot in an otherwise dismal day. 

And it doesn't just have to be about weight either.  Say something positive!  You could really make someones day!  And that will make you feel good too. 

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