Monday, June 24, 2013

Completely Off Topic! But it's my blog so I can do what I want! :-)

This would be considered shameless self promotion except for the fact that I'm not promoting myself.  I'm promoting my friend  Lacey Weatherford and her new book, Smitten, which was just released this weekend. 

Here is the link to the book on Amazon:  Smitten

So why am I promoting this book?  Well, because I can.  It's my blog and I can do what I want.  Hehe!  But really, I'm a huge fan of Lacey.  I first read her Of Witches and Warlocks series and instantly fell in love.  I had to read her other books, which include Chasing Nikki and Finding Chase in the Chase series, and Crush, to which Smitten is the followup.

Each series she writes has one basic premise, they are all about true love.  And who doesn't love LOVE?  But each series is also uniquely it's own.  Of Witches and Warlocks is about, well, I think the title says it all, witches and warlocks.  The main characters are Portia and Vance.  The Chase series and the Crush series don't involve any supernatural beings, but they are still great stories that will make you want to read the next in the series.  I have enjoyed all of them and can not wait to read more of Lacey's books. 

I'm so glad that I discovered Lacey's books and I now consider her a friend, even though so far we've only met through Facebook, and sometimes I do wonder if she might be afraid that I could be a stalker.  Honest, I'm not!  Really!  I'm just a rabid fan.  Ok, rabid might not be a good word to use.  I do call her my obsession, but I mean that only in the most loving way possible.  Ok, even that sounds creepy.  I should just quit now.

Bottom line...if you love to read, go look for Lacey Weatherford!!  And if you have a Kindle, click that link above and buy Crush and Smitten now while they are still 99 cents!!! 

I'll even make it easy for you, so you don't have to search for's the link:  Crush
So click this one for Crush and the one all the way up there at the top of this post to get Smitten.  Hurry up?  What are you waiting for?  Why are you still reading?  I'm done.  Over and out!  Sayonara! 


  1. It's on my Nook ready to read. I just finish up a book and started Gone Girl. This is next I have to see what the fuss is all about
