Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Must get back on track!

I'm slipping.  I didn't even post last week after my weigh-in, but I was actually down 0.2 last week.  That was good, but I'm still struggling to get back into the swing of things from before my vacation and I'm fearful that the scale is going to show it this week.

The weather has not helped, but I'm using that as an excuse far too often.  I need to find other things to do when it's raining or when it's too hot.  I was very lazy over the weekend, and since I had Friday off, that was 3 days of laziness.  The good thing is that today, I can get out at lunch and walk because it's beautiful out there.  I am really looking forward to getting out. 

I've been eating ok, but have given myself a few extra treats and I really need to watch that.  We'll see what the scale says on Thursday, but I'm fearful because the Wii has not been good this week and now I'm not sure that I can undo the damage before Thursday morning.  I'm still going to try because if it doesn't help for this week, at least I'll be doing the right things to get myself back on the right track.

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